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Alumni Business

The St. Paul High School Alumni Assocition is a non-stock, not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporation under the provisions of Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia and 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


We will be the "alumni voice" to encourage the entire community to exercise their options provided by law to work together for the mutual benefit of St. Paul Schools and become eligible for funding from all available sources to support the Alumni Scholarship Endowment.


General membership shall be extended to anyone who attended St. Paul High School. Voting privileges and the right to hold office will be granted to those members who pay annual dues of $5.00. A general membership meeting of voting members shall be held every two (2) years.


Gifts and Donations to the SPHS Alumni Endowment Fund - Scholarships for Graduating Students


The one most familiar Tax Exempt Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is Section 501(c)(3) public charity or private foundation, which is established for purposes that are religious, educational, charitavle, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering of national or international amateur sports, or prevcention of cruelty to animals and children. Therefore, your gift or donation to the SPHS Alumni Association Endowment Fund is TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Take adcantage of this deduction for a cery worthy cause. Make gifts payable to:

SPHS Alumni Association

PO Box 516

St. Paul, VA 24283


Membership in the St. Paul High School Alumni Association is FREE to all SPHS Alumni, anyone who attended any of the St. Paul schools, and all friends of SPHS


Membership includes a listing in the password protected directory available only to our members. All persons who attended St. Paul High School are members of the St. Paul High School Alumni Association, Inc. with voting rights and the right to hold office.  There are no dues or fees to be a general member. Voting privileges and the right to hold office will be granted to those members who pay annua dues of $5.00. A general membership meeting of voting members shall be held every two (2) years.


To register, include the following information via mail or in email and include the following information:

Name (include maiden, if applicable)


City, State, Zip Code

E-mail Address


Years attended SPHS

Any additional information you wish to share



2014-10-13 Agenda                                             2014-10-13 Minutes


2013-01-14 Agenda                                             2013-01-14 Minutes

2013-04-08 Agenda                                             2013-04-08 Minutes


2010-01-18 Minutes                                            2010-04-19 Minutes

2010-07-12 Minutes                                            2010-10-11 Minutes


2009-01-19 Minutes


2008-01-28 Minutes                                            2008-07-21 Minutes

2008-10-14 Minutes


2007-01-15 Minutes                                            2007-04-16 Minutes

2007-07-16 Minutes                                            2007-10-17 Minutes



WHEREAS, the St. Paul High School Alumni Association, Inc. supports individual high schools for each of the six (6) towns in Wise County, Virginia.
WHEREAS, the St. Paul High School Alumni Association, Inc. does not support consolidation of any high school in Wise County, Virginia recognizing the value of each for the continued excellence in education and extracurricular activities.

WHEREAS, the consolidation of any high school in Wise County, Virginia would not only be detrimental to the students but to the individual communities to include lower property values, losses of revenue, population, industrial growth and economic prosperity.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the St. Paul High School Alumni Association, Inc. hereby requests that the Wise County School Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia cease all plans for consolidation of any high school in Wise County, Virginia for the mutual benefit of all its citizenry.
This resolution is hereby adopted this 8th day of March, 2005, by the unanimous vote of the St. Paul High School Alumni Association, Inc. Board of Directors.

DATED this the 8th day of March, 2005.
Suzy Pate Harrison (1968), Recording Secretary
Board of Directors:
Ronna McReynolds Arrington (1976)
J. D. Cassell (1962)
Benny Greer Crowder (1961)
Susan Stanley Evans (1975)
Tom Fletcher (1955)
Kimberly Powers Helbert (1988)
Clarice Evans Hileman (1952)
Judy Brooks Ison (1963)
John Jones (1961)
Connie Stanley Kessinger (1963)
Mescal Stanton Lytton (1939)
Theresa Domby Salyer (1974)
Kathy Thacker Stewart (1973)
Allyson Jessee Sutherland (1992)



2011-05-05 Wise Board Adjourns For Lack of Quorum

2011-05-03 Lawsuits Filed Over Consolidation

2011-04-06 School Board Votes to Close St. Paul

2008-06-24 School Board Narrows Options

2008-01-15 St. Paul/Pound Support Schools

2007-12-13 Council Join Unified Effort





Reunion Committee

  • All Directors & Officers


Scholarship/Fund Raising

  • Johnny Jones, Chair

  • Doris Fletcher

  • Kyle Fletcher

  • Suzy Harrison, Exec. Chair

*Terry Vencil/CHS Rep

*Judy Abbott/Eastside Rep



  • Benny Crowder, Chair

  • Chub Crowder

  • Sareh Hamilton

  • Suzy Harrison, Exec. Chair



  • Debbie Baca, Chair

  • Peggy Austin

  • Allyson Sutherland

  • Suzy Harrison, Exec. Chair



  • Kathy Steward, Co-Chair

  • Allyson Sutherland

  • Suzy Harrison, Exec. Chair

*Pam Vance/Web Admin.



  • Alana Broyels, Chair

  • Judy Abbott

  • Connie Kessinger

  • Frank Molinary

  • Suzy Harrison, Exec. Chair

*Pam Vance/Web Admin.


2011 Virginia Board of Education Excellence Award


2011 Deacon Baseball Cumberland District Champs


2009 Top High School

St. Paul High School recognized by US News and World Report:

St. Paul High School, along with Appalachia and Pound High Schools, has been recognized with Bronze Awards from U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools 2009 Search.  To view the article please click the link below. The link for Virginia's top high schools can be found here.

The following brief came from the Governor's office:

Nationʼs Best: Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine congratulated Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax County for being named the nation's best high school by US News & World Report.  A total of 43 VA schools made the annual list of Americaʼs top 100 high schools.  Four high schools received Gold Medals, 12 Silver Medals and 27 Bronze Medals.



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